Sunday, 2 October 2011

i cn help alittle

Me: hello
Venter: hi\
Me: how r u?
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Me: hello
Venter: hey
Venter: I'm feeling shitty right now
Me: tell me about it, im here to listen or help if i can
Venter: okay well
Venter: my mom went away on a weekend with her friends for the jewish holiday
Venter: and it was great without her, stress free, I could do what I want, go where I want, whenever.
Venter: and when she came back yesterday, I felt suffocated again.
Venter: I get really bad migraines
Venter: and I feel like the stress from her, is the reason I get them
Venter: I don't know why though, it's not like shes a terrible person or anything
Me: what does she do that stresses you out?
Venter: When she opens her mouth it just makes me mad or upset
Venter: Whenever I have a migraine I'm sensitive to light and sound
Venter: and she just goes about crinkling bags, and walking heavily
Me: yes i get bad migraines as well
Venter: they're terrible
Me: does she do it deliberately?
Venter: Sometimes I think she does, but I honestly don't know.
Venter: Then I cover my ears, and she starts yelling at me.
Me: have you talked to her?
Venter: She's impossible to talk to.
Me: do you think she wont listen?
Venter: Whenever I talk to her about anything serious, it's like I'm talking to a brick wall.
Venter: she'll listen to what I say, and then say something that has nothing to do with what I just said,
Venter: Like
Venter: I told her I was depressed last year, and how I have been for so long
Venter: and she honestly just said, it happens to everyone, brush it off.
Me: do you think your mum could be depressed?
Venter: My mom is so gilded. Our family is so gilded. On the outside we are this perfect family, but on the inside we're falling apart.
Venter: My mom doesn't want people to know who we really are.
Venter: I have no idea.
Venter: I mean if she was depressed don't you think she'd try to help me and herself?
Me: its very hard for sum one who is depressed to talk about there feelings, and it is very easy for some one who has been depressed for along time to block out all emotion
Me: you were very strong in confiding inyour mum
Venter: yeah and now it'll never happen again because she shot me down.
Me: yea it wasnt very good of her
Venter: I brought her to this teen depression thing at my school,
Venter: and afterward I was like, mom what do you think
Venter: and she looked at me and said, don't you start, there is nothing wrong with you, stop it already.
Me: do you think that what you told her is to hard for her to deal with
Venter: I don't know, but still.
Venter: I have to deal with it everyday!
Me: yea honestly im not making excuses for her
Me: im just tryng to find out why
Venter: I know.
Me: when you know that it wont hurt so much
Me: maybe she dosnt have a good relationship with her mum
Venter: she does though
Me: and talking about big issues got brushed under the carpet and she dosnt know how to talk to you in that way
Venter: Maybe.
Me: u know ur mum, there must be a reason
Me: however keep talking to her
Me: i bet she hates herself for not being able to deal with the problems youve bought up
Venter: my mom quit smoking a year ago
Venter: and ever since she quit she's be terrible.
Venter: As if shes bi polar.
Me: so she has manic highs and depressive lows?
Venter: One moment she's absolutely happy
Venter: and if you say something even if it isn't bad
Venter: she'll flip out.
Me: it does sound like she has a problem then
Me: is there something that could have cause it?
Venter: I'm not sure
Venter: her dad used to drink a lot and my dad told me that he used to be abusive to her mom
Venter: and my dad isn't sure if she was every hit or not
Venter: *ever
Me: well that could make her feel very unballenced
Venter: I'm not sure is bi polar is triggered by an event...
Venter: I'll have to look up on it
Me: no i think it isnt
Me: i asked that question to figure out if she was depressed or had bipolar
Venter: I have terrible anxiety, and I'm almost positive I have some sort of depression.
Me: how does it effect u?
Venter: which anxiety or depression?
Me: if u dnt mind me asking, both
Venter: well I always nervous, and I get terrible panic attack just started recently. I had two in two weeks, and I felt as if I was being suffocated and that I was going to die.
Venter: and depression, well
Venter: When I'm happy it's really not very often, and it doesn't last long at all
Venter: around this time of year I just get so angsty, upset, and I guess I just hate everything
Me: panic attacks sound horrible ive watched my sister have them
Me: i had depression for a long time, and i know what my triggers are
Venter: depression doesn't really go away though
Me: no
Venter: you can go through periods where it's a little better
Me: it stays untill u figure what caused it
Venter: but it's always lingering somewhere.
Me: yes
Me: it is very difficult
Venter: even if you know what caused it, it's still there.
Me: i wish it was more accepted among people
Venter: I know.
Me: i think it is becoming better accepted
Venter: When someone says depression people are all *gasp*
Me: is your dad some one you can talk to
Venter: she wants to kill herself right now
Venter: depends, not really on this topic
Me: how about just ur mum?
Venter: Me and my dad talk about mom a lot
Venter: we hate how she changed
Venter: and we want her to start smoking again because shes absolutely terrible to be around
Me: lol that wnt be the answer
Venter: I know, but god, If you saw her.
Me: have you both sat down with her and told her that ur worried about her and that you think she needs to accept some help
Venter: If we did that, she'd go crazy.
Venter: She hates being teamed up on.
Venter: Whever my parents make me choose sides and usually my dad's right
Venter: my mom freaks out.
Me: yea but she obviously needs some help
Me: u cant force her
Venter: she also doesn't believe in medication or therapy
Venter: so nothing can really help her.
Me: thats the hardest thing about having someone around whos depressed,they become very selfish
Me: i have been selfish
Venter: she wont get either for me, so I doubt she'd get it for herself.
Venter: i'm very selfish
Me: then she will have to reach rock bottom
Venter: shes getting close
Venter: and so am I
Me: a low point that makes her think i cnt carry on like this
Me: u have asked for help and like i said it is gr8 u have done that
Me: carry on
Me: u see where your mum is and you dont have to be the same
Venter: she wont give me help though
Me: maybe not, she cant, shes to wrapped up in how badshe feels
Venter: she said you don't need therapy or meds
Venter: I said but what if I really do?
Venter: and shes like you don't end of story.
Me: u will have to help your self, we all have to help ourselfs
Venter: how?
Me: only u know what will help you
Me: i keep myself very busy when i feel depressed
Me: andthen when i cnt stand that i stay indoors and get more sad, and then i just go fuck this, and for a while i feel better
Venter: when I'm busy, I get stressed, when I get stressed, I get anxious, when I'm anxious I get panic attacks, when I get panic attack I want to die.
Me: i really wish id talked to my dr
Me: u should
Venter: I'm scared.
Me: yes
Me: it is scarry to face ur self
Venter: What if they find out that I'm
Me: ?
Venter: depressed or i have anxiety
Venter: and then they subscribe me to meds
Venter: and i feel so guilty because meds and therapy is so expensive
Me: u dont have to have the meds
Me: ah ur in america?
Venter: mhm
Me: errmm do they not have any free stuff?
Venter: nope
Venter: I want to tell someone
Me: talk to the dr anyway, he might be able to tell u something like a group you can go to
Venter: but I'm so fucking scared.
Me: it is not easy
Me: ur mum is scared to
Me: that is why she cant talk about it
Me: what about a teacher?
Venter: I don't want to burden anyone
Me: u wnt be
Me: you are not alone
Me: alot alot of people feel depressed
Me: it is something the world needs to talk about more
Venter: yeah.
Me: :)
Me: u can do it
Me: life can be very hard
Venter: i'll try
Venter: thanks
Me: learn about your self and love it
Venter: i've got to run now
Me: ok
Venter: thanks for everything
Me: good luck
Venter: xxx

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