Sunday, 7 August 2011

compassion pit sound advice

Me: yo
Me: no oness there
Listener: hey
Me: ah hey lol
Me: no one was speaking to me
Listener: yes. wanna talk about your problems/.'
Me: indeed
Listener: alright shoot
Me: boyfriend issue of course
Me: he has an issue
Listener: whats goin on
Me: he has diabetes
Me: type one
Me: and stenosis of the spine
Listener: yes, why is this a problem
Me: not that ud know that to look at him some days his pain is unbareable and he cant move
Me: he gets angry
Me: and shouts and puts me down
Listener: thats unfortunate :( im sorry
Listener: thats a part of diabetes he cant help it
Me: sometimes i cnt take it
Me: so we made a deal
Listener: i know it sucks but u have to understand its relly really hard to control your temper when your blood sugar is off
Listener: whats the deal?
Me: if he was gunna get mad he should ask for space or at least make me feel good wen his anger is gone
Listener: thats a good deal
Me: i know what he says is in the heat of the moment so i try and ignor it even thou its hurt ful
Me: and after he has to hug and kiss me and tell me he dosnt mean it
Me: its been two months now and he hasnt stuck to the deal
Listener: maybe you could help him moniter his b.s. so it doesnt happen as much
Me: instead w oculd be any where and hel change very quickly
Listener: he should be keeping up his part, have u talked to him about it
Me: i have
Listener: the changes are uncontrollable
Me: he said i should dump him
Listener: tell him to stop feeling sorry for himself
Me: well i said dnt be a dick lol
Listener: if ur willing to help him u should let him know, saying dont be a dick is really vauge
Me: well
Me: i said that and then i said im either worth making the effort for or not
Listener: but thats something he cant help
Me: it effects me alot wen he gets mad at me as i grew up in a violent home
Listener: so dont be too hard on him even tho he's hurtful
Me: i try my best
Listener: just talk with him and tell him to try and consciously think of what he's saying
Me: so u think his behaviour is excusable ?
Listener: no, but it is something he cannot control. you've gotta understand that
Listener: and he doesnt mean it
Me: i dnt agree i think every ones actions are with in their control
Listener: well do you have diabetes?
Me: interesting
Listener: look
Me: go on
Listener: this is coming from someone that has to deal with that too
Listener: my gf has diabetes
Listener: she was on here at first
Listener: and we switched
Listener: anyway, this is the bf
Listener: she has those moments too
Listener: i didnt get it at first
Listener: i thought she was being mean/hurtful and it was something i did
Listener: but then she explained it to me
Listener: you really cannot control what your mood is. your blood sugar has more to do with than you think
Listener: she can get sick to her stomach, tired, mad, etc all from one little thing
Me: do you think maybe, please dnt take this the wrong way, that a girl shouting at a guy is very different to a guy shouting at a girl
Listener: so she went into detail about it and she really doesnt mean what she says. sure it hurts but i know she doesnt mean it
Listener: yeah, to a certain extent. a guy should be a gentleman and never yell at a lady. but you gotta realize he CANNOT help it
Listener: im sure he doesnt mean it either
Me: this is hard for me to understand i guess thats where the issue is
Listener: just try to sit with him and talk calmly
Listener: have him tell you exactly what he feels when it happens
Listener: it was hard for me to understand too. but she did an amazing job of explaingin it to me
Me: no you cant talk to him when hes in that mood but i will take your adice and ask him to describe the process wen hes calm
Listener: no no no
Me: lol
Listener: of ocurse when hes like that you cannot try that
Listener: wait till hes ok
Listener: then sit down and explain how you feel to him
Listener: thats what worked for haley and i
Me: rite i hope hes open enough for this, he often shrugs his shoulders wen we talk about deeper stuff
Me: but im obviously here to try
Listener: well you need to explain to him how you feel
Listener: good luck :D
Listener: i hope you helped
Listener: oh
Listener: one more thing
Me: go on
Listener: tell him not to be embarrassed.
Listener: about that or anything
Me: you think he will be
Listener: that he can tell you anythig and you wont judge or think less of him
Listener: my gf was, she felt taht no one would understand so whats the point
Listener: and thats what i told her. she can tell me anything
Me: well you are both blessed

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