Sunday, 22 August 2010


boro piza and drinks, stripers and skunk, drinks from 2pm - 2am, death driving and forbidden corners, american diners and lesbian lasagne, beach and tattoos, shishas and cross dressing.... could it be any more epic?

needles to say i listened to my self chilled out and had a really good time, cleared my room out of old stuff and old memories and told myself to stop being silly

from now on i just wana relax, the stuff ive worked hard for is starting to come together and it will all be good just need to remeber to chill got loads still to sort, working solidly for the next week, 60+ hrs then moving back to boro, then gotta find another job and all sorts

Wednesday, 18 August 2010


Being int boro is strange, i thought id feel like i was home but i dnt, i feel all shook up, all the things, ur every where, i went through some stuff and ther u were some times it aches and some times im ok, wen will be ok all the time? theres a new person on the horizon and im not even sure if i can handle it, im just going with the flow hes the first person thats got past the first barrier since u, ugh...

Holly listen to me, get a grip. go with the flow, relax, enjoy ur self, ur ok, all ur mates r here and they love u, theyve never let u down no matter how fucked up u r so just chill,

Sunday, 8 August 2010

stir crazy

Its hard, my own mental prison, the only thing i cnt take is somthing other people face every day with out a problem.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

feels abit down

i guess maybe cause yesterday was such a high that coming down was inevitable, i feel like thats it theres not much else to look forward to. Also i really really miss my uni friends and the comfort they bring me, it dosnt matter that im single wen im at uni thers so many people rallying round giving me hugs and well just keeping me company. here thers none of that and today i feel it more